2022-23 SSK-Networking The 2nd Joint Symposium
Schedule: December 22, 2022
Method: LW Convention Center & Online (Zoom meeting)
Host: Social Sciences Korea(SSK) Support Group
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea
Topic1: A Study on the Relationship between the Commenter Follow Network and Online News Consumption
Prsenter1: Jeongin Nam (Korea University)
Discussant1: Dr. Sun Kyong Lee (Korea University)
Topic2: The influence of the anthropomorphism and interaction of virtual show hosts on public confidence - focusing on the mediation of mind perception -
Presenter2: So Yeon Park (Korea University)
Discussant2: Dr. Yongjun Sung (Korea University)
Topic3: Kids content as IPTV platform's new differentiator: The Korean Case
Presenter3: Chae Yun Jang (Korea University)
Discussant3: Dr. Saerom Lee (Kyungpook National University)
Topic4: Determinants of differences in critical media literacy among age groups
Presenter4: Yun Kyung Cho (Korea University)
Discussant4: Dr. Ahran Park (Korea University)
Topic5: The Effect of Creator Characteristics on User Preference of User-created Platforms: Focusing on Roblox Platform
Presenter5: YoungJu Kang (Kyungpook National University)
Discussant5: Dr. Hyunmi Baek (Korea University)
Topic6: Different perceptions of blockchain in music industry: a social representation study in Korea
Presenter6: Yujun Park (Korea University)
Discussant6: Dr. Moonkyoung Jang (Gachon University)